If you are homeless, or facing eviction, the first step is to call..
Bucks County Housing Link Call Center 1-800-810-4434
The call center staff will screen callers with a brief interview to determine the households eligibility. If you are asked to leave a message they will call back within 2-4 days depending on availability.
If applicable they will schedule an in person appointment to the nearest office
At the appointment they will determine the level of assistance needed to resolve the crisis and the available assistance options.
Persons in crisis will then be referred to the most appropriate resources to resolve their crisis.
Bucks County Resource Directory Homeless Survival Guide
For Rental Assistance: 1-888-502-8257
Montgomery County Residents: 866-964-7925
Youth - Ages 12-21
The Bucks County Street Outreach: 215-990-3962
Valley Youth House: 215-442-9760
Liheap: Text CASH to 77037
PECO Customer Assistance Program: Requirements and How to Apply
PPL On Track with PPL Program Requirements and How to Apply
SNAP Hotline: 215-430-0556
SUN Meals (Summer Food Service Program): Click to find a location near you
Code Blue Shelter: If you are unhoused in Upper Bucks, the Code Blue Shelter invites you to join them for a simple homemade dinner on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month from 6pm-7pm. Located on the first floor of the Quakertown Masonic Lodge, 501 W. Broad St. in Quakertown.
Click Here for more food pantries in the Bucks County Area
Graces Closet: Grace United Methodist Church of Telford PA
St. Stephens UCC Perkasie: 215-257-6460
Be The Difference KBF Group: Free secondhand items being donated by the local community
Hope for Veterans, a program of Community Hope, Inc. is an outreach in NJ and PA that also assists homeless veterans and their families.
Their supportive services includeHousing Searches
Support Services
Employment Services
Community Resources Sharing
Assistance with Landlord Disputes
Temporary Financial Assistance
Call 1-855-483-8466 for more information
Veteran's Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
Bucks County Children's Crisis: 1-877-436-7709
Bucks County Mobile Crisis: 215-785-9765
Penn Foundation Crisis: 215-257-6551
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
Bucks County LIFE Program (Adolescents): 1-888-442-1590
Bucks County PeerNet: 267-259-1294
Family Services Association of Bucks County: 215-757-6916
Lenape Valley Foundation: 215-345-5300
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI): 215-361-7784
Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA): 215-343-6543
Penn Foundation: 215-257-6551